Thursday, January 7, 2010

007/365: Softly Snowing

007/365: Softly Snowing
Originally uploaded by Anonymously Uncool

Four inches of snow likely isn't a lot to many people, as they regularly see more than that every winter. However, the intensity that the snow was falling from the clouds this afternoon made the streets very trecherous. My company let everybody leave at 3:00, which is nice, since I didn't get home until 4:45.

As I was sweeping off my car and waiting for it to warm up, I grabbed my camera and snapped some shots from the top of the parking garage. There is a lot of interesting architecture downtown.

Perhaps later in my 365 project, when it's a little warmer out, I'll wander around downtown and get some more creative shots.

Today, I leave you with an image of building tops and a soft layer of snow.

1 comment:

  1. We are supposed to get snow starting in the middle of the night tonight. I am looking forward to it warming up, eventually, so that I can have more options for shooting!
